French President Has Granted Citizenship To Malian Immigrant Who Risked His Life to Save a Toddler From Falling Off a Storey building.

The French President has granted citizenship to  Mamoudou Gassama for risking his life to save a 4 year old child in paris on sunday. The toddler left hanging dangerously from a balcony was pulled to safety by 22 year old Mamoudou.

 In the video captured of the rescue, the crowd nervously encourages Mamoudou as he quickly scales the building's exterior.

The four-year-old was holding on to the balcony of a fourth-storey apartment, until Mamoudou Gassama took matters into his own hands. 

As he reaches the fourth storey and pulls the child to safety, the crowd erupts into cheers.Locals and people online are calling him the Spiderman of Paris.
When asked why he put his own life in danger, he simply replied "because it's a child"

Not only has he been granted citizenship by the French President, he has also been given a job as a fire man.


