Ali Banat, the Australian Muslim brother whose video went viral in 2015 has passed on in Australia minutes before Maghrib.
The world got to know about him when he said in an interview that he was gifted with cancer and thanks Allah for that. “At this point in my life, Alhamdulillah I have been gifted by Allah with cancer throughout my body and I have changed my whole life to helping people,”
In a controversial move according to Ali, his charity's bank account was shutdown by common wealth bank of Australia in September 2016. which he claimed it's because his charity is Islamic.
This did not stop him from pursuing his charity dream. MATW succeeded in building free schools, helped orphans, built over thousand homes for widows and the less fortunate in Togo.
Ali's charity project also built training centers for the children of Togo where they were trained karate and empowered.
He also built a bakery where 1000 loaves of bread are being baked daily to cater for the orphans and needy.
He recently extended his charity works to Lebanon and other parts of Africa. Free food is been shared daily by his team.

A picture of Ali and his mother.
Pictures of Ali in his sick bed.

Rest in peace Ali you are indeed a hero of Islam. INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAYHI RAAJIOON
The world got to know about him when he said in an interview that he was gifted with cancer and thanks Allah for that. “At this point in my life, Alhamdulillah I have been gifted by Allah with cancer throughout my body and I have changed my whole life to helping people,”
Ali Banat grew up in Australia to a life of luxury and wealth. He was part of the Australian Muslim community. Once he was diagnosed with cancer in 2015 with doctors estimating he only has around 7 more months to live but he died after battling with the cancer for over 3 years, he denounced his previous life of material wealth and dedicated it to helping others.
Ali created a project called, MATW (Muslims Around The World) in October 2015 to assist those less fortunate in the poverty stricken areas in Togo.
This did not stop him from pursuing his charity dream. MATW succeeded in building free schools, helped orphans, built over thousand homes for widows and the less fortunate in Togo.
Ali's charity project also built training centers for the children of Togo where they were trained karate and empowered.
He also built a bakery where 1000 loaves of bread are being baked daily to cater for the orphans and needy.
He recently extended his charity works to Lebanon and other parts of Africa. Free food is been shared daily by his team.

A picture of Ali and his mother.
Despite his sickness he was able to travel all over the world just to put smiles on the less fortunate especially children.
Pictures of Ali in his sick bed.

Rest in peace Ali you are indeed a hero of Islam. INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAYHI RAAJIOON