Have you heard of superstition about babies? if no let me gonna take you through some few. do not forget to laugh and share.
here we go...
Don’t cut baby’s nails or wash his hands before 12 months unless you’d like to invite ill luck, though you might bring good luck by spitting on baby or rubbing his head with money.
If a pregnant woman eats eggs, she will give birth to a snake. (This is funny because we all know that eggs are nutritious to the mother and the baby) #Ghana
If you breastfeed your child in public, witches, wizards or herbalist with black medicine will infect the child with many unpleasant sicknesses. #Ghana
When a child reaches the age of two without sitting, crawling or talking, that child is a spirit child who must be sent back to his or her spirit masters. (This means the child is disabled and needs special attention. It's sad innocent children have been denied the right to live because of this belief.) GHANA
In some parts of the world, people use names like “stinky pig” and “dog fart” for newborns to confuse evil spirits and steer them away from the baby.
funny right?....
If a pregnant woman watches horror movies, she will give birth to an ugly child
If a pregnant woman watches horror movies, she will give birth to an ugly child